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Need to register an RFID card with your lock? Follow these easy steps!

Step 1: Create a User Profile

If the user doesn't have a profile yet, start by creating one to get things set up..
Step 2: Access the User Profile

Once the profile is created, tap on the Key Symbol at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Then, select RFID from the available options..
Step 3: Choose the Access Validity Period
Pick the appropriate access option:
- Permanent: Access is granted indefinitely.
- Timed: Set a start and end date (with time) for temporary access.
- Recurring: Ideal for daily helpers or staff who need regular access.
Once you’ve made your selection, tap on Next.
Step 4: Swipe the RFID Card

Follow the on-screen instructions to swipe the RFID card.

The system will confirm successful input with a voice note saying, "Input Successful."

If you have any questions or need assistance, just shoot us a message on WhatsApp at 6366359011